Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Identity Theft Protection Products: Wise Investment Or Waste Of Money?

While reading an article by Nick Clements on Forbes, it dawned on me that aside from downloading an app like BillGuard to lower cost, if you want the highest level of protection for the lowest cost, you might want to consider a service such as PrivacyMaxx. To help you weigh your options before you decide where to go for your identity theft protection, read the full article here.

You will discover that for $9.99 a month, or $83.88 a year if you pay all at once, you receive BillGuard Ultimate. This product, avails all three bureaus for monitoring daily for changes. You will also be given access to a US-based recovery agent to manage the entire process should your identity be compromised. A $1 million insurance policy is available as well. In addition to these protections, BillGuard has a few other innovative services. You can link your credit cards and debit cards to the app and it will monitor all of your transactions. And when you enable the geolocation features on your phone, you will be at the cutting edge of fraud prevention. For instance, when BillGuard sees that you are in New York, but a gas station charge is being attempted in Los Angeles, you would be alerted. And so in answer to the question "Identity Theft Products: Wise Investment Or Waste Of Money?" Well, I'd say they can be a pretty wise investment. However, as you'll probably have read in Nick Clements' article, you can Get Identity Theft Protection Without Those Monthly Fees if you're bold enough to get inside an identity thief's mind to discover what makes them tick. And you're going to be amazed to discover that, first and foremost, identity thieves are incredibly lazy. All they've ever wanted for their detestable existence is an easy life. So without further ado, find out how to deter identity theft for absolutely free for the rest of your life right here!

Cornelius Venturo
PrivacyMaxx Representative

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