Monday, September 21, 2015

Why You MUST Consider Identity Theft Protection NOW

Identity theft is the fastest growing crime in the United States, AND the most feared. Here are some facts you should know: Identity theft affects one in 20 households, costs billions of dollars every year to businesses and, on average, takes hundreds of hours for a victim to regain pre-theft status. 1 in 10 American consumers have already been victims of identity theft.

Over 50% of all identity theft is the result of the taking of a physical document, such as a credit application or account statement, which is often done via the Internet, mailbox, trash, or theft of non-public personal information. Over 20 people become victims of identity theft every minute of every day in the United States. 41% of victims who did not have Identity Theft Protection are still dealing with the issue more than 2 years after discovering it.

Thieves often target the very young or the elderly or the recently deceased. Average fraud amount per victim was $6,400 in 2013. On average, victims incur between $800 - $1,400 in expenses related to restoring their identity. Average victim spends over 330 hours trying to reverse the damage.

There are six types of Identity Theft:
New Account Fraud
Account Takeover Fraud
Criminal Identity Theft
Medical Identity Theft
Identity Cloning
Commercial Identity Theft

Additional adverse effects of ID theft (without protection servies) include: financial problems; high interest rates; denied employment; harassment from collection agencies; unauthorized use of medical benefits; low credit score; denied credit, tuition, or loans; higher insurance premiums; and even arrest.

Those are the hard, cold facts. So what are you going to do about it? Stay informed on this very blog with tons of articles and information, plus the PrivacyMaxx Protection Plan that provides an Internet Monitoring Service in real-time, and a PROACTIVE alerting and monitoring service.and lots more!

Don't fall prey to ID Theft! Sign up for PrivacyMaxx ID Recovery Service today!

* Covers you and your immediate family (spouse or domestic partner, children at the same address up to age 25, IRS dependents sharing the same address regardless of age, or nursing home/hospice, or deceased 12 months or less)

* Fully-managed ID recovery service

* Covers ID theft with no family fraud or other exclusions

* Unlimited restorations

* No deductible

* Work until credit and identity are restored to pre-theft status

* Includes 12 months of post-recovery monitoring

* $25,000 Expense Reimbursement

Cornelius Venturo
PrivacyMaxx Representative

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